why sassmotional?

Hello, welcome to sassmotional — a showcase of my work as a digital marketer based in Split, Croatia. I’m a creative with (too) many passions, always looking for new ways to express and display them.

On a more serious note, I’m a copywriter currently working in the eyewear industry, eager to expand my skills while sharing my love for different artistic pursuits. My expertise lies in digital marketing, with a focus on content creation, social media management, and copywriting.

Over ther years, I’ve had the chance to bring stories to life both as a marketer and model. This year, I’ve decided to turn the lens on my own passion for photography, and start telling stories through my own eyes.

And to answer the initial question — sassmotional is more than just a playful term; it’s a reflection of how I perceive and embrace my own identity. Bold, confident, and unapologetically sassy, yet always grounded by a heartfelt connection to my emotions. It’s about being independent and dynamic while honoring the depth of feelings that fuel creativity and authentic self-expression.

Hopefully, this page offers you a glimpse into my soul and thoughts. If it evokes a certain emotion within you and, beyond that, gives you the courage to embrace your authentic self, then I’ll consider my work complete.

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